
Ayurvedic treatments are easily available from a number of therapy is not just for weight loss sastrakriyedvare developed technology. But truly khaunadekhila nothing less nervous because of the growing number of 's weight. And what exactly do they increase the weight? Muscle strength of the right to exercise first. 5-6 times a day, eat a little bit of a gap of more than two times meal, but do not eat jankaphuda. Chanda yancyanusara nutritionist Neha, you first increase your appetite.Eating a lot of food is expected to increase gradually at the same time increase the appetite. Grow like a cake than ever, increase rice. So what exactly will be to increase the use of your weight, eat a fruit every day. 1) Milk: dudhatuna was mainly carbohydrate and other nutrients to help increase due to the weight and get protinsa. 100 ml dudhatuna can get approximately 3.4 g protinsa you can eat and drink 14 grams protinsa 2 glasses of milk every day. 2) Eggs: eggs are also substantially protinsa body of high quality. 100 g of egg are approximately 13 grams protinsa substantially. Egg, vitamin A, and vitamin B-12 is desirable, including 'of intake. 3) Oats:vadhavanarya addition to the weight of the weight loss diet is also necessary to have the use of oats. Oats are fiber supply from the body. From 100 grams to 17 grams of oats are protinsa. Body from oats Iron (Iron) also gets. 4) hour is advised to eat banana increase weight. Which gives you 105 calories a kelyatuna offer immediate energy. After filling exercise helps improve the body's loss. Fortunately for the player to get a break in the power that you will be eating banana pahilaca! 5) Potato: If you want to extend the weight of such substances to your diet will be at least 40% of components from Carbohydrate. Increase your intake of potato. Batatyatila is desirable gyutamina 'and' arjinina, such as the amino acid weight vadhavanaryam. If salisakata owing to the use of it will be more profitable. 6) Soybean: You can include daily diet to get enough soybeans Carbohydrate needed to increase the weight. You can get 36 grams of alcohol a day, 100 grams of soybean protein. If the hive to collect the wheat flour batter beans you automatically You can include soybeans daily diet. 7) nudalsa: nudalsa food being understood that's kinda dangerous, but in turn you can get karbohayadreta and calories. And vegetables you get many of the nutrients in khalyane cast nudalsa yacabarobarine Vitamins and aentioksidanta. 8) meat (chicken): sakaharapramaneca meat is also beneficial to take. Eating chicken is not only delicious 100 grams 25 grams protinsa substance you can get. Regular consumption of a month you definitely will see results immediately. 9) butter: If you like to eat butter, you increase your intake of butter weight can be included. Lonyatuna you can get plenty of fat. 81 g fat, 100 grams lonyatuna you can get.10) dried fruit, nuts, almond, walnut, currant, such that a dried fruit intake of calories quickly. Healthy eating is a way to increase the weight of dried fruits. The body gets more calories and nutrients than fruits sukyamevyatuna.

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