Blog Design - HTML iphektasaha are given effect by the use of beautiful @ @ @ HTML text to create a blog - just moving letters @ America | sucanenusara following process ■ NOTE - How to give the effect of four characters flying effects, and very easy to use it. It looks attractive blaegaracana after effects add to the blog. Each effect and its code is given below.You can add this effect in Page or Post on your blog. The first is to give effect, make its code copy. Edit it to paste note or any place where you colour. While edit 'gurumauli' will be the only place the word that you type the message. That you have typed the message, which is reflected in mesejalaca running effect.Create a message copy. The page is to give effect to, or post, to open the page. Click on the HTML side of the compose. It made you paste the message. Click on the Publish button.Effects will be ready. 1. moving letters (running text): from left to right ● View-gurumauli effects ● code (code) - <marquee behavior = "scroll" direction = "right"> gurumauli </ marquee> 2. moving letters (running text): Right left ● effect (effect) -gurumauli ● code (code) - <marquee behaviorSetting = "scroll" direction = "left |"> gurumauli </ marquee> 3. moving letters (running text): on Hal ● effect (effect) - gurumauli ● code (code) - <marquee behavior = "scroll" direction = "up"> gurumauli </ marquee> 4. Moving letters (running text): over ● Effect (effect) - gurumauli ● code (code) - <marquee behavior = "scroll" direction = "down"> gurumauli </ marquee> ■ HTML has effects to the image (image) to ■ ■ NOTE - post or page is easy to give effect to the image in flying. . Next, take the image by clicking on the icon of the process .... first image while in compose. You have to give effect to the image when loading the image. Codes are given below. . Paste the code to the top of the code that is created there by clicking on the first part of the html (the image above) ... then the second part of the code (the image of) the end of the paste and save the code. .... Effects will be ready. . 1imeja - moving from left to right ~ ● code (code) - <marquee behavior = "scroll" direction = "right">Image </ marquee> 2. Image - moving from right to left ~ ● code (code) - <marquee behavior = "scroll" direction = "left">Image </ marquee> 3. image - moving on ~ Hal ● code (code) - <marquee behavior = "scroll "direction =" up "> image </ marquee> 4. image - moving over ~ ● code (code) - <marquee behavior = " scroll "direction =" down "> image </ marquee> 5.Imeja the left and right side of the skier (alternate) ~ ● code (code) - <marquee behavior = "alternate"> Image </ marquee>
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